Evergreen Bioenergy

The company Evergreen Bioenergy Sdn. Bhd. established by a team with more than 20 years of field experience. The Firm principally engaged in used cooking oil collection in Malaysia. Mainly our goal is for doing used cooking oil collection is to cherish our environment and natural resources with minimizing oil wastage and environmental pollution. Evergreen Bioenergy Sdn. Bhd. is licensed by MPOB to do the business related to used oil and is ISCC Licensed collector. Our entire used cooking oil collection team distributed across the whole of Malaysia. Over the past 3 years, our market capitalise have increased by 3-fold.

General Question

1What happens to the waste collected by Evergreen Bioenergy
All waste collected undergo specific treatment and recovery processes then filtering and separate the oil with water and dirt, lastly storage it in our store tank until it attain certain quantity so we deliver to our main organization’s factory to do following process.
1Get paid for Used Cooking Oil (UCO) Recycling.
Evergreen Bioenergy will pay your business for your used vegetable oil. There is no denying the importance of vegetable oil recycling and the role it plays in environmental responsibility.
This is especially the case when you consider the fact that commercial kitchens and food processing plants produce a vast quantity of fats and grease on a daily basis.
These substances need to be disposed of correctly to ensure that environmental regulations are adhered to.
1Benefits of working with a cooking oil recycle company